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singing bowl sound therapy for reiki healing

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.

  We are spiritual beings having a human experience"

- Pierre Teilhard de Chardin



Nourish Mind, Body and Spirit

I am a certified Usui Reiki Practitioner, practising Reiki and Distance Reiki. I have chosen Reiki Ryoho (Spiritual Energy Healing Method) for its gentle nature of healing and yet powerful results. I support my clients every step of the way, to get the best out of their healing journey and to help them find balance, peace and well-being. 


Reiki (Japanese translation: Universal life force energy) may be practised in-person / hands-on healing, with the client sitting down or laying down. Distance Reiki (also known as Remote Reiki) is when a Practitioner connects to Reiki and sends healing to a person without needing to be in the same room, with the same effect and benefits as hands-on healing. 

feel empowered and live a heart centred life

There are many conditions Reiki

can help with. 

Some are (and not limited to):


anxiety, depression, blocked / unbalanced Chakras, insomnia, negative thought patterns, trauma, peri /post menopause symptoms, 

low self-esteem, post-surgery discomfort, support your fertility journey, feeling spiritually disconnected,

physical pain, depleted immune system, long covid symptoms, grief, low vibrational frequency,

guilt and worry, lack of confidence

The benefits of Reiki bring the body back to balance:

Some are (and not limited to):


raise your emotional and spiritual vibration, promote calm and relaxation, live your authentic and true self, boosts immune system

gain self confidence, reduce stress, ease aches and pains, support you on your spiritual path, enhance mental clarity, 

improve sleep, boost self esteem, increase self confidence, support the grieving process,

emotional growth

flowers from Bali Indonesia

Reiki's true beauty is revealed
through it's gentle,
quietly healing nature

receive the healing flow of energy 

Distance Reiki: Distance Reiki is where you receive the benefits of life force energy healing in the comfort of your home (or a place of your choice), whilst I practice from my own sacred space. I am based in the UK and my wonderful clients are from all over the world, even as far as Australia! I work over Zoom (or if you prefer, we may connect before and after a session via phone). I am able to send reiki into the future too, at an agreed time. All of my clients love being in their own environment when receiving the healing benefits of remote Reiki, and they often get back to their day or fall straight asleep after a calming session!


Reiki in person: I offer Reiki treatments in Harrow, Middlesex, London, UK. The treatment involves a client sitting or laying down whilst I, the practitioner, will scan the body and chakras (energy points in the body) and begin to channel reiki. Head to my FAQ's for more information on what to expect in one of my Reiki treatments.


e n e r g y

Reiki (Rei: Higher power / universal - Ki: Life force energy) is a Japanese non-invasive, holistic, energy healing therapy, created in the early 20th century by Dr. Mikao Usui.


Our bodies are filled with life force energy - ki. When our energy is depleted, this has a direct impact on us, both mentally and physically. Reiki's frequency works synergistically with ki, at a higher vibration.


Reiki may be practised in person or from a distance with the same effect, as energy knows no bounds. 


b a l a n c e

Reiki is practised to unlock blockages from the flow of energy through our bodies, focusing on the chakras ('wheel' in Sanskrit)  energy points in the body, in order to balance the mind, body and spirit. 


Reiki Practitioners, for the most part, focus on the seven main chakras, from the crown to root. When our chakras are balanced, our emotional and physical self align. We are able to live in a fulfilled and compassionate way. 


h e a l i n g

Reiki is used to promote healing and encourage the release of emotional blockage and a deep inner peace and rejuvenation.


Reiki is wonderful for relaxation, due to its gentle nature of healing. During a session, clients may sit, lay down or even go about their day and be open to receiving the healing energy.  


A treatment can feel like a wonderful, glowing radiance that flows through and around you, facilitating the natural healing process.

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Disclaimer: Reiki is a holistic, complementary healing therapy. It is used to work alongside and not in replacement of medical treatments.

Please seek medical advice from a qualified Doctor in the case of serious illness. 

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